Ronda’s Journey

Our Mission

  Ronda’s Journey: Our mission is to alleviate the financial burden on Ronda and ensure she receives the best care possible during this challenging time. Your support can make a significant difference in her fight against cancer. Together, we can help Ronda focus on her recovery and provide her with the peace of mind she deserves.

Thank you for your generosity and compassion.

One in 3 Percent

rondas journey, picture of ronda

Ronda’s Journey



In 2021, Ronda was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma, a slow-growing cancer that typically doesn’t require treatment unless symptoms appear. Unfortunately, in 2023, symptoms began to manifest, leading to her initial treatment with mild chemotherapy.  A subsequent PET scan revealed a mixed response: while the lymphoma had disappeared in some areas, it had grown in others and new areas had emerged. A biopsy of a mass in her groin confirmed a transformation from follicular lymphoma to large B-cell lymphoma, an aggressive type that occurs in only 3% of patients with follicular lymphoma. The Cleveland Clinic, a renowned nonprofit academic medical center based in Cleveland, Ohio, has an informative article about the stages and the uniqueness of Ronda’s disease. You can find it here: Follicular Lymphoma: Stages, Symptoms, Treatment & Prognosis (

To combat this aggressive stage, Ronda began a more intensive chemotherapy regimen known as Pola-R-CHP, a newer treatment introduced in 2022. Given the high likelihood of recurrence, however, her doctors recommended CAR-T cell therapy, a cutting-edge treatment designed to prolong life. Despite the challenges, Ronda remains hopeful and resilient, facing each day with courage and faith.

A Pillar of Strength

Ronda’s emotional journey has highlighted her inner strength and relentless spirit. The initial diagnosis brought a wave of fear and uncertainty, but she faced it with remarkable bravery. The mixed results of her PET scan were a rollercoaster of emotions, from relief to anxiety. The confirmation of the transformation to large B-cell lymphoma was a heavy blow, but Ronda’s unwavering faith provided her with the strength to keep fighting. She draws immense courage from her belief in God’s plan, finding solace in prayer and the support of her loved ones. As it says in Isaiah 41:10, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” This verse has been a beacon of hope for Ronda, reminding her that she is never alone in her battle.


Even through it all, Ronda continues to work full-time and remains actively involved in her family’s life. She camped at the fair to support her FFA daughter, whose hog “Goose” won a blue ribbon, by the way! She also enjoys fishing with her husband, although she’s too tired to take walks now, she used to love hiking. Despite the fatigue, she continues living with love and determination, refusing to curl up in a corner and bawl her eyes out. Her courage and resilience are truly inspiring to everyone around her.

Let us show generosity and compassion, as it is written in 2 Corinthians 9:7, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”